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Children's Choir Practice Resources


Our choir will sing Festival Alleluia during the 9:30 AM worship on Sunday, November 13, 2022.

  • Please visit the Lemon Chapel to put on your robe before meeting for practice in the sanctuary at 9:15 AM

  • Below this blog you will find practice recordings and lyrics for Festival Alleluia and all of the anthems we are rehearsing

Please make every effort to attend our practice times on October 30 and November 6 so that we can polish our music memory and sing with confidence.

Click here to look ahead exciting opportunities for the children to lead different parts in our worship liturgy and concert events this school year:

Our choir will sing these anthems during the holiday concert on Sunday, December 11, 2022.

Please visit the Lemon Chapel to put on your robe before meeting for practice in the sanctuary at 3:30 PM. The concert begins at 4:00 PM and will be about one hour long. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite family and friends to hear beautiful holiday music from our Children’s Choir, Chancel Choir, Bell Choir and soloists.


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